The By Lawyers Conveyancing To do lists have been enhanced. As a result of recent feedback from a subscriber, space has been added next to the checkboxes in the Sale of Real Property and Purchase of Real Property guides. This extra space can be used to enter the date that a task has been completed, or any other note relevant to that particular aspect of the matter’s progression.
This small but important enhancement to the utility of these popular precedents will be extended to other guides in due course.
To do lists precedents are available in most By Lawyers guides. They reside within Folder A. Getting the matter underway on the matter plans and are an essential matter and risk management tool.
The Conveyancing To do lists chronologically set out the usual steps to be completed in a sale or purchase matter and allow team members working on the file to tick off each step as the matter progresses. This ensures that nothing important is missed. It also assists with seamless continuity when multiple people are working on a matter. These documents can be of particular assistance to team members who are unfamiliar with a particular area of law, or when assigning a task to more junior staff and assessing their progress or providing training.
To do lists can be printed out and attached to the file for manual completion, or ‘pinned’ to the top of the LEAP matter and competed electronically.
In order to pin a To do list to the top of the correspondence window in a LEAP matter, simply right-click on the precedent after it has been saved into the matter and select ‘Pin to top’. It will then stay at the very top of all correspondence in the matter as a handy reminder and reference tool.
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