From 1 March 2025, all businesses with operations in Queensland are required to have a written prevention plan to manage the risks associated with sexual harassment and sex or gendered-based harassment. The requirement arises under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Qld).
Any business without such a plan in place or that has not taken reasonable steps to make workers aware of the plan, is in breach of the Regulation and subject to fines of up to $6,000 per offence.
By Lawyers 101 Staff Handbook, part of the popular Practice Management publication, includes a national Discrimination, harassment and bullying policy that is an excellent starting place for QLD firms needing to comply with the legislative requirements.
More detailed state-specific resources are available on the WorkSafe QLD website, including a prevention plan template.
The commentary in the By Lawyers Practice Management publication will assist Queensland practitioners in formulating their management plan and reducing their risk. It includes a detailed discussion about sexual harassment with specific areas of focus for the legal profession and links to relevant cases involving law firms. There is also an outline of the factors that should be considered when implementing firm policies to ensure that they have the desired effect and prevent discriminatory and other unwelcome workplace practices.