Section 149 Planning Certificates are now known as Section 10.7 Planning Certificates following changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
Costs – All costs agreements now able to be signed electronically
All of the By Lawyers costs agreements now have electronic signature fields allowing them to be signed electronically via DocuSign, which is available to LEAP in the cloud users. The fee disclosure for this service has also been added into the disbursement section of the costs agreements, should the client choose to take advantage of this service.
Motor Vehicle Accidents NSW – Post 1 December 2017 amendments
The Motor Vehicle Accidents NSW Publication has been amended in relation to the new regime brought in by the the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017 which commenced in full on 1 December 2017 and applies to all motor vehicle accidents occurring after that date. The Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 continues to apply to accidents prior to that date and there are accordingly two separate regimes operating for at least three years.
This comprehensive and easy to follow publication helps practitioners to navigate the convoluted and restrictive legislation which applies to motor accident claims in NSW. There are two separate Guides – one for accidents which occurred prior to 1 December 2017 and another for accidents occurring on or after 1 December 2017. Each Guide contains commentary, precedents and forms specific to the relevant statutory regime.
The new Guide is available to all LEAP cloud users and via subscription to the ByLawyers website.
Estates NSW – Transfer of dutiable property
The commentary now deals with the duty payable on the transfer of dutiable property from the executor/administrator to a beneficiary:
- in accordance with the will or rules of intestacy; and
- where there is an agreement to vary the trusts in the will of a deceased or arising on intestacy.
A NSW Revenue example has been added to the commentary to illustrate when property is dutiable where there has been a variation of entitlement under a will.
NSW – Supreme Court – Equity Division and Common Law Division – Appeals – Practice Note SC CA 1
Information has been added to the Act for Plaintiff and Act for Defendant commentaries in both the Supreme Court Common Law and Equity Guides to incorporate the requirements of Practice Note No. SC CA 1 which was issued on 13 December 2017 and which commenced on 1 January 2018.
All parties to proceedings in the Court of Appeal are required to comply with the requirements contained in Part 51 UCPR (appeals) and Part 59 UCPR ( judicial review). The Practice Note makes additional provision for the preparation and conduct of proceedings in the Court of Appeal.
Local Court NSW – Author review of precedents
The author, Bob Gowenlock, has reviewed the precedents for Acting for the Plaintiff and Acting for the Defendant within the Local Court NSW Guide. The precedents have now been updated to incorporate these amendments by the author.
Estate planning – An exciting opportunity for small law firms
The usual wills versus a will with estate planning
For most clients a will is a straightforward document that appoints an executor, an alternate executor, perhaps makes some specific bequests of personal items to certain family members, then leaves the balance of the estate to their spouse then their children with a default clause if none of these beneficiaries survive.
The fees charged by most firms are modest and reflect the reality that most clients do not wish to pay a great deal for something that they only reluctantly accept that they need and know they will never personally use and can prepare themselves using a form bought from the post office.
Wills have traditionally been seen as valuable because they eventually bring the firm estate work, rather than valued for the fees associated with the wills themselves. There is an old adage that the goodwill of a practice are the good wills in safe custody.
However, estate planning is a different thing and many firms are now taking a far more comprehensive approach, with a far more profitable result.
Estate planning is an area where small firms can grow their offering to existing clients and attract new, high net worth clients who require and appreciate professional expertise and assistance in this important area of practice.
It is far easier to offer this expertise than many small firms realise. The By Lawyers suite of testamentary trusts and wills clauses, together with the extensive commentary on wills and estate planning, means that firms can confidently advise clients who may have substantial assets including business interests held in company, partnership, trust structures or self-managed superannuation funds.
Whereas a firm might charge few hundred dollars for ‘husband and wife’ wills, the comprehensive succession planning required by a family with substantial assets and interests, including a review of existing structures and documents, preparation of wills which incorporate testamentary trusts, plus other appropriate documents such as powers of attorney and appointments of enduring guardian, is likely to involve fees of many thousand dollars, as well as extending the relationship between the firm and the family to other areas and members. Clients who have such assets and need such advice are mostly very happy to pay for it because they realise the value of the exercise and are as dedicated to retaining their assets for their family as they were to building up those assets in the first place.
Why testamentary trusts?
For clients with substantial assets, complicated families or family members who have medical or personal problems, the use of testamentary trusts has multiple benefits over usual wills, summarised below.
Creditor protection
To protect a bequest from being accessed by creditors of a beneficiary, including guarantees for a business venture.
Divorce of a child
To avoid family assets being redistributed by the Family Court. Assets held in trust are not assets of any individual and the Family Court cannot make an order requiring the distribution of those funds.
Bequests via testamentary trust for payment of school and tuition fees for grandchildren is more tax efficient than simply leaving money to the child’s parents.
High risk beneficiaries
Where one of the beneficiaries is in a high-risk business or has personal issues with drugs or gambling which warrant strict controls being placed on access to any estate funds.
Remarriage of spouse
To limit access to existing family assets by a new family or spouse.
Tax benefits
To minimise tax payable, facilitate income splitting and distribute tax free to children under 18 on marginal rates with the no tax threshold.
Will challenges
Keeping estate assets in trust means they are not in the beneficiaries’ estates and therefore not subject to challenge when they die.
Disabled children
To ensure that any disabled or intellectually impaired children are provided for in the most effective way. A Special Disability Trust can provide a substantial bequest to a disabled child without impacting on any Centrelink benefits.
Identifying the right clients for complex estate planning
Although most clients potentially would benefit from a testamentary trust, their present circumstances do not suggest that one is necessary. In contrast estate planning is essential for clients with high net worth, multiple assets and asset types, business interests, complex business structures, existing family trusts, self-managed superannuation funds, complicated family arrangements and relationships and potential beneficiaries with special needs or personal problems.
Many clients have not considered the need for estate planning which with the aid of By Lawyers commentary and precedents can be offered by practitioners.
The benefits of testamentary trusts
- The fundamental advantage of a testamentary discretionary trust is that the assets are held by the trustee for the beneficiaries, not by the beneficiaries themselves. This allows the protection of assets from claims against beneficiaries and from misuse.
- Separate fixed trusts can be established for separate people or purposes, with conditions. For example, if one child has a drug addiction, a bequest could be left in trust for that child to receive appropriate maintenance and treatment, without them having access to the capital.
- If a beneficiary faces bankruptcy, an inheritance for that beneficiary through a testamentary discretionary trust will not form part of the beneficiary’s bankrupt estate.
- Assets held within a testamentary discretionary trust are not part of the matrimonial pool to be divided up in any family law property settlement in the event of divorce.
- Testamentary trusts also provide an opportunity for testators to control assets after their death, by way of conditional access to trust assets. While not desirable for the beneficiaries, this can certainly be seen by many testators as an advantage.
- Testamentary trusts can be very tax effective – income, capital gains and franked dividends can be distributed among all beneficiaries each year in the most tax-efficient way.
By Lawyers precedents and commentary
Using By Lawyers publications gives your firm the tools and confidence to assist clients with their estate planning, bringing profitable new work and quality new clients into your firm.
Foreign resident capital gains withholding clearance certificates
Clearance certificates will not be issued during the ATO’s Christmas closure – 22/12/17 to 2/1/18.
NSW – Security of Payments publication
The Security of Payments (NSW) publication has been reviewed.
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Obiter has been redesigned to better deliver news about our publications in line with changes to legislation, practice and procedure.
The simpler structure will allow users to tailor their preferences and only receive information about the state they are interested in. Some subscribers may be interested in more than one state.
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