On 1 December 2018 a number of provisions strengthening apprehended violence orders in NSW commenced:
- a new ‘without consent’ version of the s 37 Crimes Act 1900 offence of choking, suffocation and strangulation, created specifically for the domestic violence context by the Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2018;
- provisions in the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment Act 2018 making it clear that stalking and intimidation can be by internet or other such electronic means;
- new Crimes Legislation Amendment (Victims) Act 2018 provisions providing that proceedings for apprehended violence orders will be held in a closed court if they involve any person under the age of 18 years, with such persons entitled to have a support person present.
The By Lawyers Apprehended Violence Orders (NSW) guide has been updated accordingly.
Further, commencing 17 December, certain provisions of the Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No 3) 2018 mean that an apprehended domestic violence order can be made against a paid carer for the protection of a dependant, but not against a dependant for the protection of the paid carer.
There are also amendments pending proclamation in the Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2018 which change the default duration of apprehended domestic violence orders.
The By Lawyers Apprehended Violence Orders (NSW) guide will be updated when these further amending provisions commence.