A complete guide on the law and practice as it applies to Retirement Villages in New South Wales including a comprehensive treatment on obtaining accommodation and services within a retirement village, living there, and ending a residency including on sale, on termination, and on death.
This guide is available through the Conveyancing (NSW) publications as well as Leases (NSW).
– Precedents in the guide include:
– Retainer Instructions;
– To-do List;
– Checklist for prospective residents;
– Various letters of advice on commencing residency, completion and moving out;
– Various letters to the operator; and
– NCAT application forms.
The commentary includes information on the fundamental terms of the statutory regime, the standard contracts and mandatory documents, duties taxes and rates, taking occupation, living in a village and ending a residency including death and termination, payment of refund by the operator and dispute resolution.