Within the must have commercial publication Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and Superannuation we have created a new guide, commentary and precedents focusing extensively on the topic of Partnerships.
Partnerships covers all aspects of setting up and running a business using partnership trading structures including:
- general partnerships;
- limited partnerships; and
- incorporated limited partnerships.
The commentary, guide and precedents provide an end to end solution for partnership businesses such as:
- establishing a new partnership and the partnership agreement;
- adding new partners or making changes to profit share structure of an existing partnership;
- removing or expelling a partner; and
- dissolving a partnership and business succession arrangements.
The commentary also discusses the taxation and property ownership implications of operating under a partnership structure.
The Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and Superannuation guides also provides detailed information about other business structures including companies, trusts and self-managed superannuation funds.